Become a Mentor Today

“The thousand mile journey begins with the first step.” ~ Lao Tzu

Support & Connect with women to stand together for love, unity, & transformation by becoming a Mentor or a Mentee. 

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Being a part of our mentorship program allows women to support one another.

We honor, respect, and provide a loving environment around acceptance, self-love, growth and abundance.   Our intention is to support, listen and help one another discover our purpose, love ourselves, thrive, and manifest our vision.

Mentorship Community Options

Get or give the support that works for you.
Get involved with other women to change today and transform tomorrow.

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What is a Mentor?

Mentorship Program
How to Cultivate Abundance and Unity
Support Women Today
Become a Mentee

Our Mission

Our mission is to cultivate acceptance, self-love, growth and abundance.  Let’s support togetherness to inspire and unite women to stand together and transform the way they love, live and lead their lives.

Forgiveness and Compassion


Giving yourself empathy and compassion to accept yourself and others. Self-awareness. curiosity, and resilience is the ability to shift, self-soothe, be mindful of the discomfort, and find ways to accept all aspects of yourself, heal, and let go.

Self Respect


Self-love is a way of shaping our emotions to align with our feelings & thoughts. Make choices for yourself that honor your values and beliefs. Be able to set boundaries, give and receive love. Know this is an on-going process that thrives over time.


Peace, love and understanding comes from within. You are not a victim. The only way to grow and change today and transform tomorrow is to start loving yourself first. Change your narrative and story. Be open. Then your purpose will arrive.



Feeling empowered and self-aware allows you to get to a place of gratitude, confidence, and purpose. Alleviate suffering, honor your values, and align your emotions, feelings & thoughts. It becomes a way of life to manifest your vision.

Want to talk to someone?  Please call or email us anytime and we will get back with you as soon as possible.

(424) 209-7575


I have felt unfulfilled for a long time. TBD exposed, bleeding and aching. As I look back now, I see that the crisis was a blessing in disguise.
Sheryl Hunt

Abundunz Butterfly Logo WhiteThe butterfly is a symbol of spiritual growth, change, and transformation.  Butterflies teach us the importance of change, and that in order to become something great, you must be open, patient and trust in the process. 

A butterfly is a bringer of joy, hope, love, appreciation, independence, freedom, optimism, and endless potential for rebirth.

Spiritually it signifies attunement and the need to connect and move forward without any regret or burden. This ability also signifies the quality of agility when it comes to changing one’s path to get in sync with life’s circumstances. And through this change, lift up the negativity that may surround your hearts. This creature is also known for its vigor, persistence, and playfulness, which inspires us to give our all to pursue and fulfill our dreams and desires filled with love and light.



Support & connect with other women to transform the way they love, live and lead their lives by becoming a mentor. We cultivate acceptance, self-love, growth, and abundance. Let's support togetherness to inspire and unite women to stand together for love, unity, & transformation to show up better than yesterday. Spread love. Pass it on.
Be One of the First 50 Members & Join for Free!